About Us
Total Wellness is our philosophy
Our staff has 20+ years experience in the Salon, Spa and Medical Profession.
Our Medical Director, Kim Purcell-Reid, PA-C, specializes in enhancement treatments such as dermal fillers, BOTOX, Kybella, Vein Therapy, Skin Rejeuvenating Procedures and PRP.
Melissa Harris is our on site Medical Aesthetician. After graduating the Certified Laser Specialist Course at Rocky Mountain Laser College she wanted to combine her Medical Aesthetics Knowledge with her passion of skin care to bring you treatments that focus on creating beautiful, natural-looking results that enhance your quality of life.
From the world's most effective regenerative medical treatments to body sculpting, laser hair removal, IPL Photo-facials, weight management and wellness treatments to ward off the signs of aging, our Medspa's goal is to provide results above and beyond your expectations.
Conveniently located in China Grove, NC, 1 minute off of I-85 (exit 68)
1002 Power Street, China Grove, NC 28023